Clearance & Offers

    Compliance Collection

    Come back often, for updates to our document library.

    20200330 X-ray set checks

    This document identifies the checks a practice needs to undertake when closing down your x-ray equipment for an extended period of time and starting it back up upon return to work.

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    COVID-19 considerations - RIDDOR 04.0520DHH

    This guidance document highlights the considerations to be made during COVID-19 and what needs to be reported to the HSE in accordance with RIDDOR.

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    RTW 20200505 Extra- vs -intra-oral radiography NPDHH

    This guidance document highlights the considerations to be made with respect to prioritising extra-oral radiography over intra-oral radiography in order to reduce the risk from COVID-19 exposure.

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    Considerations for staffing and new pattern of workflow

    DD have liaised with our international partners to learn from their experiences as they have re-opened. This document outlines considerations for your team and how to adjust your workflow to minimise risks to staff and patients.

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    Infection control

    DD has summarised current practices being used in Urgent Dental Care centres, which may inform emerging protocols for reopening other practices. DD advises all clinicians to use the information as a guide to make an informed risk assessment as to what may or may not be required. Official guidance is constantly changing so it is essential to keep up to date with national guidelines and protocols.

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    Personal Protective Equipment 

    This document highlights current PPE guidelines and signposts to recommended donning and doffing procedures.

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    New products and equipment

    Investing in new products and equipment can be costly. DD aims to provide unbiased information, so that customers can make an informed decision as to what may be required upon reopening practices.

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    Featured Products


    Ledermix Paste Refill No. 2

    LLD012 (5g)


    Lignospan Special 2% Glass Cartridges 1.8ml

    AAD425 (50 x 1.8ml)


    Scissors - Suture Straight

    DSD330 (Each)

    More Documents

    Radiation Compliance Checklist

    It is important to review your practice radiation protection safety arrangements. To assist practices further, DD have collated a simple compliance checklist which can support your auditing process.

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    Triage and Risk Assessment

    This document suggests how current triage processes can be modified to enable face-to-face contact where needed, following an adequate risk assessment.

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    Communicating with Patients

    Communicating with and reassuring patients cannot be underestimated, and a consistent message should be formulated to include what the practice is doing to prevent transmission and protect patients. This document suggests how you could facilitate this.

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    Staff Re-induction and Training

    This document outlines key areas to focus on when re-training and upskilling the team to return back to work.

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    COVID019 Considerations - Water Management - Legionella 04.0520DHH

    This guidance document outlines the key areas of focus to ensure water management and quality is maintained when considering the re-opening of the dental practice. The guidance includes an example re-commissioning checklist for dental practices following "mothballing" and in accordance with the LCA.

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    COVID-19 Considerations for administering First Aid and CPR

    This guidance document provides advice on how to administer First Aid and CPR safely during COVID-19 in accordance with UK Resuscitation Council Standards.

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    COVID-19 Considerations and Risk Assessment for General Practice Areas

    DD have collated a general risk assessment for the general areas of a dental practice for managing the risk of COVID-19.


    Download the General COVID-19 Do's & Dont's

    Download the COVID-19 Risk Assessment for General Practice Areas

    Vulnerable Groups Risk Assessment

    This risk assessment template identifies those that have been classed as “Vulnerable” by the Government during the COVID-19 Pandemic and how they should be risk assessed. The risk assessment provides considerations and guidance for both staff and patients before attending the premises.

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    Staff Risk Assessment

    This risk assessment template identifies staff at an increased risk of COVID-19 infection transmission by incorporating a simple to use staff check list. The risk assessment provides considerations and guidance for both staff and the Employer.

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    Infection Prevention and Control Risk Assessment

    This risk assessment template identifies areas at risk of COVID-19 infection transmission within a dental practice setting and considerations for implementation in order to reduce the potential risk. Areas included are: Reception, Waiting Room, Toilet Facilities, Clinical and Non-Clinical Rooms, Decontamination areas, PPE designated areas and Waste storage.

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    Contractor Control Checklist

    This checklist identifies areas that need to be considered before allowing a contractor access to the dental practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    News From DD

    Advice On Shutting Down Your Practice Safely image
    Advice On Shutting Down Your Practice Safely

    Our customer services teams are here to support you, so please do not hesitate to get in touch for advice or to discuss preventative maintenance and statutory engineering works that may be useful to consider during this quieter period.

    Printing Medical Parts image
    Printing Medical Parts

    DD has pledged its support to the 3D Printing COVID-19 Dental and Medical Part Initiative with a donation of more than £10,000 worth of resin as dentists join forces to support the NHS by printing components for ventilators and Personal Protection Equipment.