COVID-19 Non-contact Deliveries

As you know, the interests of our customers, our people and our communities are at the centre of everything we do as a company and this is particularly important during these challenging times.

With this in mind, we wanted to reach out and reassure all DD customers that we have contacted the delivery companies we work with to ensure they are putting in place robust measures designed to make health and safety a top priority, including minimising contact with customers, whilst enabling efficient deliveries.

Please review the information on the links below which details the measures put in place:

COVID-19 Bulletins Here

Read Actions we are taking to keep operating safely

Information on Service impact related to COVID-19 Coronavirus


Royal Mail
Royal Mail are minimising contact between their people and customers. They will not be handing over hand-held devices to customers to capture signatures but instead log the name of the person accepting the item. Additionally, for all customers where they need to deliver a large item, they will place the item at your door. Having knocked on your door, they will then step aside to a safe distance while you retrieve your item. This will ensure your item is delivered securely rather than being left outside.

They also have a Coronavirus dedicated page to obtain updates.

As well as their Service Updates page where you can sign up to receive comms.

We thank you for your co-operation, understanding and patience during these uncertain times.

Stay safe and look out for those around you.

On behalf of everyone at DD