Durr Dental GMBH & Co

Periomat Intra Chemical Set

XUD040 (Each)
Durr Dental GMBH & Co code: CXB250C9940


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Product Overview

Single-component developer and fixer concentrate, each in a 0.5 litre bottle. Optimum film processing with special adaptation to suit all the main types of dental films on the market.

  • Simple to make up: Fill - dilute - done
  • Chemicals only need to be changed after three weeks or 350 films (Periomat and Periomat Plus)
  • Consistent developing results over the entire life of the solutions
  • A guarantee of secure archiving by a reduction of the RT5 values in all processed films to considerably less than 1/10 of the permissible limiting value
  • The concentrates have a shelf life of 24 months

Contains 4 Bottles of each Developer & Fixer.



Durr Dental GMBH & Co

Periomat Intra Chemical Set

XUD040 (Each)
Durr Dental GMBH & Co code: CXB250C9940


Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks

Retail Price

Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks