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Course Details

Fulfils GDC Development Outcomes A, B, C, D

This training is carried out by one of DD's qualified instructors within your own practice environment.

Training Aim

To provide information and skills that are required by professional standards to manage medical emergencies including the use of emergency drugs as per BNF (current issue).

Training Outcomes

Learners will be able to:

  • Increased knowledge of the GDC professional standards in relation to medical emergencies
  • Understand the importance of a clinical reference when prescribing emergency medications
  • Able to identify the standard preparations of emergency drugs permitted for prescription within primary dental care
  • Understand the management of common medical emergencies including potential drug therapy as per BNF (British National Formulary)
  • Understand the differential diagnosis of those medical emergencies listed within the BNF dental section
  • Competent in carrying out the rapid patient assessment process DRABCDE
  • Adopts a safe attitude along with a basic preliminary patient DRABCDE examination towards prescribing and patient assessment
  • Competent with the use of oxygen and its therapeutic use during a medical emergency
  • Developed a professional attitude towards correct clinical handover
  • Developed an awareness of professional clinical limitations when managing medical emergencies
  • Understands that a dental patient transitioning to a medical emergency patient is no longer a dental patient, Medical assessment should be sought from an appropriately qualified medical clinician

Learning Content

The training encompasses the management of medical emergencies in the dental practice and associated drug protocols with their usage in accordance to the British National Formulary, Prescribing and medical emergencies in the dental practice (current issue. The content serves to provide the required professional attitude, clinical management skills, knowledge and realization of personal limitations to ensure that medical patients are dealt with professionally and in accordance to medical standards and protocols, along with appropriate care pathways sourced for ongoing clinical evaluation and care. 

Training News

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Look After Your Dental Equipment

You’re the expert when it comes to keeping your patients in good health, but do you now how to do the same for your valuable dental equipment?

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Tips & Tricks: The Art of Composite

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Routine Examination of Pressure Vessel Equipment

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