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Course Details

Fulfils GDC Development Outcomes A, B, C, D

This course is delivered within your practice environment by one of DD's resuscitation officers.

Training Aim

The Course equips the GDC / Sedation Professional registrant with the required skills to perform accurate patient monitoring and evaluation during sedation procedures. Students develop the required skill set to manage respiratory depression, respiratory arrest and cardio pulmonary arrest with integrated AED and specialised resuscitation equipment with evaluation and treatment of sedation orientated remedial causes in accordance to Resuscitation Council BLS/ALS, QCPR 2013/17 standards and the IACSD 2015 sedation standards.

The course also provides information and skills that are required by professional standards to manage medical emergencies including the use of emergency drugs as per BNF (current issue).

Training Outcomes

  • Aware of GDC professional standards, RCUK QSCRPT 2013 & BLS/ALS 2015 and IACSD 2015 SCSPDC.
  • Able to demonstrate basic life Support – Modifications for paediatric resuscitation
  • Understands the management of Cardiac Arrest, respiratory arrest, respiratory depression and physiology.
  • Ability to demonstrate effective use of resuscitation equipment and safe use of medical gases.
  • Knowledge of the equipment and emergency medications required by professional standards
  • Understand the importance of monitoring patients and the recovery position
  • Understands airway maintenance including the use of adjuncts
  • Improved knowledge of Cardiac Electrophysiology, ECG Waveform, Automated External Defibrillation.
  • Understands Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation and effective use of SPO2 & BP monitoring equipment.
  • Knowledge of Benzodiazepines – and their side effects.
  • Ability to demonstrate obtaining vital signs.
  • Understands and able to demonstrate evaluating vital signs and compensation.
  • Understanding of the BNF MEDP current practice and associated drug delivery.
  • Ability to competently perform simulated scenario ILS RD RA CA management. BLS paediatrics

Learning Content

This training session is intended to equip the GDC / Sedation professional registrant with all the required information and skills required to meet the standards of the Resuscitation Council UK Primary Dental Care Standards 2013/2017, BLS 2015 Adult and Child. Along with aspects of Advanced life Support (ALS) to combine a skill set that is termed Intermediate life support or ILS. The skillset exceeds that set by the resuscitation councils own ILS course due to the focused topic of sedation.

Student will review basic physiology, be able to acquire and evaluate clinical vital signs and confidently use their existing diagnostic equipment as an adjunct to prepare patient management plans. Advanced life support guidelines will be utilised so that the student develops a skill set to successfully manage, respiratory depression, respiratory arrest and cardio- pulmonary arrest, as well as manage ALS reversible causes which is assess by written examination and practical evaluation to bring about a preserve life, prevent deterioration and promote recovery ethos which serves to meet medical standards in patient care whilst utilising sedative drugs for dental procedures.

The training also encompasses the management of medical emergencies in the dental practice and associated drug protocols with their usage in accordance to the British National Formulary, Prescribing and medical emergencies in the dental practice (current issue. The content serves to provide the required professional attitude, clinical management skills, knowledge and realization of personal limitations to ensure that medical patients are dealt with professionally and in accordance to medical standards and protocols, along with appropriate care pathways sourced for ongoing clinical evaluation and care.

Training News