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Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time
Retail Price£346.61
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Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time
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Product Overview
Temporary Crowns for Anteriors and Bicuspid Restorations
- Micro glass fibre reinforced
- Slightly translucent, tooth-coloured
- Easily scissor-trimmed, contoured, crimped and polished
Prefabricated crowns made from polycarbonate resin with microglass fibers for short- or longer-term adult anterior use.
Contains 180 adult crowns (2 of each size) and mould guides for 60 crowns.
Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time
Retail Price£346.61
Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time
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