Clearance & Offers

We can help you meet the regulations

The requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) / the Ionising Radiations Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017 (IRR(NI)17) are specifically directed at those who work with ionising radiation, including the undertaking of dental radiography. It requires the employer to demonstrate that they are keeping radiation doses as low as is reasonably practicable (ALARP) together with establishing and maintaining a quality management system.

The requirements of the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 [IR(ME)R17] / the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2018 [IR(ME)R(NI)18] primarily address the protection of the patient. The radiation dose received by the patient must again be kept ALARP while still achieving a clinical diagnosis. You must be able to show that you have written staff entitlements, written procedures for exposures, an up to date equipment inventory, and be able to show how optimisation of dose is achieved.

We will help your practice demonstrate its commitment to meeting the requirements of current legislation and providing adequate protection from ionising radiation for employees, patients and other persons.

We have developed an online radiation protection file that is easy to use and, once completed, is stored securely within your own member's area. You can also print all areas of the file, which DD advise you to do.

Why do I need this package?

To help you demonstrate compliance with the requirements of IRR17 / IRR(NI)17 and IR(ME)R17 / IR(ME)R(NI)18.

How long is this package valid?

This package is valid for 3 years from the date you take it out.

What does this package include?

1. The appointment of, and access to, a radiation protection adviser (RPA) as required by IRR17 / IRR(NI)17

2. The appointment of, and access to, a medical physics expert (MPE) as required by IR(ME)R17 / IR(ME)R(NI)18

3. An Online Radiation Protection File – A comprehensive file designed to guide the practice through the requirements of IRR17 / IRR(NI)17 and IR(ME)R17 / IR(ME)R(NI)18 and assist you in demonstrating your compliance with this legislation through the provision of templates to be completed by you.

How much does this package cost?

For a DD member this package is £319 plus VAT for the full 3 years*. 

*A membership will need to be held concurrently to keep the member rate.

Radiation Protection Training Options

Ready to assist you in solving your compliance challenges. DD’s compliance consultants can support your practice in-house or remotely.

Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) Training

In dental practices where x-radiography is performed, it’s appropriate to appoint at least one Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) to ensure requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) / the Ionising Radiations Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017 (IRR(NI)17) 

To meet this requirement, the individual(s) appointed to the role of RPS must receive appropriate training, which is usually achieved by attending a formal, externally delivered training course.