
Luxacore Z Post System Kit

FCL002 (Each)
DMG code: 110862


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Product Overview

System Pack for post-endodontic treatment.


  • Core build-up/post cementation; post for the fabrication of a reliable retention of the core build-up in cases of insufficient coronal tooth substance; dual-curing bonding system (Total Etch) for use on enamel and dentine.

Features & Benefits:-

  • 3 top products for post-endodontic treatments in one kit
  • In addition: CD with application video
  • Handy to use, well arranged.

System Pack contains:-

LuxaPost - 5 Posts dia 1.25 mm, 1 Drill dia 1.25 mm

LuxaBond-Total Etch - 1 x 5ml Bottle each Pre-Bond, Bond A & Bond B

Etching Gel - 1 x 2ml syringe Etching Gel-Medium Viscosity, 25 Endobrushes Red, 25 Endobrushes Black, 3 x Luer-Lock-Tips, 1 x Mixing pallet

LuxaCore Z-Dual - 1 x 9 g Paste Shade A3, 10 x Smartmix-Tips, 10 x Endo-Tips




Luxacore Z Post System Kit

FCL002 (Each)
DMG code: 110862


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Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks

Retail Price

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Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks