ProxyMate Intro Pack Variety Pack - Single-Sided
Retail Price£129.00
Product Overview
Overhanging dental restorations are a major dental health problem. An overhanging margin may promote plaque accumulation and cause difficulties in cleaning interproximal spaces and this can lead to periodontal disease and carious lesions.
ProxyMate is an innovative breakthrough in restorative dentistry featuring an adjustable handle to lock curvatures into place for maximum precision, patient safety and minimal fatigue. Ideal for proximal contact adjustment, marginal crown seating, veneers, onlays and proximal contouring of composite fillings. ProxyMate is also indicated for 'interproximal reduction' (IPR) - also known as interdental enamel reduction, slenderising, stripping, selective enamel reduction and enamel reproximation.
ProxyMate Variety Single Sided Variety pack: 10 strips (single sided, variety of grits), 2 handles.