This is not a mix and match offer. *Please add 3 of the same product to your basket to receive discount at checkout. All products subject to availability. Offer available until 31/10/24.
Teosyal - Teoxane
600809 (2 x 1ml)
600810 (2 x 1ml)
600811 (2 x 1ml)
600812 (2 x 1.2ml)
600813 (2 x 1ml)
600814 (2 x 1ml)
600818 (2 x 1ml)
600819 (1 x 3ml)
600840 (2 x 1ml)
600841 (2 x 1ml)
600842 (2 x 1ml)
600844 (2 x 1ml)