Schülke +

perform-ID - Tub

GJS010 (900g)
Schülke + code: 122305


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Retail Price

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Product Overview

Deep cleaning and disinfection of dental impressions through complete immersion. Broad microbiological effect with short submersion time specially formulated to respect the dimensional stability of impression materials such as alginates, silicones and polyethers. Excellent cleaning power removes blood and saliva residues.

Effective against bacteria (inc. TB), fungi, viruses (inc. HBV, HCV, HIV) in 10 minutes. Uses the immersion method which means no aerosols and ensures every surface of the impression is disinfected.

Cost effective: 2% concentration makes 45L in use solution from a 900g tub.

Also availble as sachets.



Schülke +

perform-ID - Tub

GJS010 (900g)
Schülke + code: 122305


Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks

Retail Price

Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks