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Retail Price£96.36
Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks
Product Overview
Is Clinical Rejuvenating Masque is a remarkable, professional, clinical treatment that can be used alone or as an integral treatment step in the iS Clinical Fire & Ice treatment. This antioxidant-rich, refreshing, and soothing light-gel masque is extremely hydrating and revitalizing. The Rejuvenating Masque is excellent for soothing irritated skin, reducing UV-induced erythema, and calming the skin post non-invasive procedures.
Only available to Medical Professionals
Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks
Retail Price£96.36
Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks