Restricted. You are unable to purchase this product.
Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks
Retail Price£33.93
Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks
Product Overview
Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid. Dexamethasone works by preventing or reducing inflammation. It is used to treat a number of conditions that are characterised by excessive inflammation
Please note: there is currently a shortage in the market of Dexamethasone and the current livery we are receiving is being supplied in bottles.
Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks
Retail Price£33.93
Out of Stock
Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks