
seT PP Automix Syringe Refill A2

FWS110 (2 x 7g)
SDI code: 8805102


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Product Overview

A self-etching, self adhesive, resin cement, designed for final cementation of metal, resin, all ceramic and ceramic based restoratives. seT chemically bonds to tooth structure and all types of core material. seT is available in capsules and a paste/paste automix syringe system (seT PP).


  • Cementation of metal, resin, all ceramic and ceramic based inlays, onlays^, bridges and crowns.
  • Cementation pins, posts and screws

(^ In the case of veneers, use an adhesive (Go!, Stae, etc according to manufacturer’s instructions including any etching procedure) prior to seT to improve the retentive strength. Not suitable for veneers requiring extended working time)




seT PP Automix Syringe Refill A2

FWS110 (2 x 7g)
SDI code: 8805102


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Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks

Retail Price

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Out of StockSorry this product is currently out of stock and is expected in the next two weeks